Our specialty pharmacy provider is located at 283 Longwood Ave., Boston, MA 02115 USA. We are open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time, excluding weekends and federal holidays. For more information or for patient questions, please call us at 617-919-5330 or toll free at 833-515-2813.
Are you a patient?
Treating chronic conditions is complex. We can help!
Boston Children’s Pharmacy closely connects your clinical care with your pharmacy care. As part of an integrated team, our pharmacy liaisons and clinical pharmacists specializing in your condition will partner with you to help navigate the complex world of specialty pharmacy. They will provide education, tools, and material to support your ongoing treatment over time.
Our team will help answer and address insurance-related questions and conduct prior authorizations. We also offer language and interpretation services to help patients better communicate with our care team. Our goal is to provide fully integrated services to deliver the best possible care to you.
Disease states we treat include:
- hepatitis C
- multiple sclerosis
- rheumatoid arthritis
- human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
- pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)
- asthma
- Crohn’s disease/ulcerative colitis
- hepatitis B
- growth hormone deficiency
- epilepsy/seizure disorders
- cystic fibrosis
- hematologic disorders
- inborn errors of metabolism
- hemophilia
Patient services include:
- consultations, education, and medication counseling
- personalized refill coordination
- monitoring for adherence, nutrition, side effects, and drug interactions
- medication authorizations
- medication appeals
- financial assistance programs
- prescription transfers
- coordination of care with providers and other pharmacies
- delivery for all medications, at no extra cost
Boston Children’s Hospital offers free language assistance to patients whose primary languages are not English or for those who are visually/hearing impaired. Patients may call our Language Assistance Services at 617-355-7198, the TTY/TDD line at 617-355-7965, or email us at BCHRxwebsite@childrens.harvard.edu.
Our pharmacists monitor your treatment therapy for adherence, nutrition, drug interaction, side effects, and refills. Additional information may be found at the National Institutes of Health, which has an informative and searchable portal that has comprehensive information on medications.
Are you a provider?
We provide fully integrated services to deliver the best possible care to your patients.
The Boston Children's Pharmacy care team is comprised of pharmacy liaisons and clinical pharmacists that work together to support your clinical team and your patients.
Provider services include:
- assistance obtaining insurance prior authorizations
- utilize a specialty pharmacy-accredited disease management platform to monitor patients for their duration of therapy
- financial assistance programs
- personalized refill reminders for patients
- assistance with appeals
- assistance with prescription transfers
- no-cost shipping to patients' homes
Contact us

Boston Children's Pharmacy is accredited by Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) for compliance with a comprehensive set of national standards. By choosing a healthcare provider that has achieved ACHC accreditation, you can take comfort in knowing that you will receive the highest quality of care.

Boston Children’s Pharmacy is proud to announce that it has earned URAC accreditation for Specialty Pharmacy. URAC is the independent leader in promoting health care quality by setting high standards for clinical practice, consumer protections, performance measurement, operations infrastructure and risk management. By achieving this status, Boston Children’s Pharmacy demonstrates commitment to quality care, enhanced processes, patient safety and improved outcomes.